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Schmalenbach Business Review - (sbr) - is the international edition of "Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung" (zfbf), the oldest and most prestigious German journal of business.

sbr serves as a forum for the publication of original and innovative research in business administration based on conceptual, analytical, and empirical methods. Its aim is to bring together manuscripts from the most important management areas to provide a comprehensive perspective on current issues in business research.

sbr's spectrum of research subjects covers traditional management disciplines like accounting, finance, marketing, organization, and human resources management, as well as younger research areas like innovation and knowledge management as well as electronic commerce and digital markets. Special sections of articles may be published on topics of current interest.

Following the long-lasting tradition of German business research journals, sbr's publication practice follows the conviction that management problems cannot be solved by focusing on one research area but have to be discussed in their entirety. Therefore, sbr strives to provide manuscripts from different management disciplines using different research methods to reflect the diversity of challenges managers have to deal with. Due to this publication practice sbr holds a unique position among business research journals.